305 Half Marathon city
Packet Pickup
Prep for your big day!

Packet Pickup

All participants must pick up their race packet. Please bring a valid photo ID and the QR code emailed race week from ChronoTrack (screenshot will suffice) to the pickup location of choice in order to retrieve your race packet.

You may pick-up on behalf of other participants – a copy of the participant’s photo ID is required and the participant’s QR code is highly encouraged.

If you plan to pick up for 5 or more participants, you MUST notify our Athlete Services via email at least 24 hours in advance.

We highly encourage participants to attend any of the pre-race pickup locations. There will be limited race morning packet pickup.

Packet Pickup Schedule

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

TANK Brewery – Doral

5100 NW 72nd Ave A-1, Miami, FL 33166

4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 


Thursday, February 27, 2025

DICK’s Sporting Goods

Kendall (The Palms at Town and Country) – 11900 Mills Dr, Miami, FL 33183

2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.


Friday, February 28, 2025

*NEW* DICK’S House of Sport at Dadeland Mall 

Dadeland Mall – 7535 N Kendall Dr, Miami, FL 33156

2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

In Your Registration Packet

  • Bib number with gear check tag
  • ChronoTrack B-Tag® (affixed to back of bib number)
  • Safety pins for your bib number
  • Clear gear check bag – affix gear check tab from bib prior to dropping at the race day Gear Check tent
  • Official race shirt – athletes will receive the shirt size selected during registration

What To Know About Your Bib

  • You MUST fill in necessary medical information and emergency contacts on the back of your bib number.
  • The ChronoTrack B-Tag® affixed to the back of your bib is your running timing device for this event. This is a single use bib tag.
  • Your bib MUST be clearly visible and worn on the front and outside of all clothing during the entire race.
  • Do NOT alter, fold or wrinkle the bib in any way.
  • You must securely fasten your bib to the front of your running outfit with the safety pins provided.
  • Bibs and tags are non-transferable and MUST be worn by only the participant to whom they are assigned, for the race distance they are assigned.
  • Participants MUST cross the start line during the official start time. Participants who begin before the official start or cross after the ChronoTrack B-Tag® starting mats have been removed will not receive an official time.

Chip Timing

Participants will receive the ChronoTrack B-Tag timing tag with your race bib. The lightweight timing tag stays attached to the back of the race bib and does not get removed. The timing tag precisely records each runner’s clock time and chip time.


As a proud supporter of our organization, DICK’s Sporting Goods offers our families discounts that are valid year-round! You can find our Team Sports Coupon by clicking the link below and receive sweet discounts:

·       $10 off $60 purchase: Take $10 off any pair of athletic shoes or cleats that are $60+

·       15% off an athletic or outdoor apparel

·       10% off a single team sports equipment item

We hope you find these discounts useful and are able to take advantage when shopping at our local DICK’s Sporting Goods store this year!